New York State

New York State (X)

New York (2004)

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All aboard! Next stop...New York! On this trip, we will explore New York's landforms, taking a trip under Niagara Falls and up into the Catskill Mountains. We will explore the history, industry, natural resources and culture of the state, especially the contributions of immigrants and native peoples.

Grade Level: 
New York

Frozen Summer

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Copies: 29

It's 1816, and Remembrance Nye and her family are enduring a cold, hard summer in their new home in western New York. There's barely any food, since Papa's crops were destroyed by the late frosts. Mem's mama has never gotten used to their new home and finds it even harder to cope after she gives birth to baby Lily. Papa puts Mem in charge of caring for the baby, her younger brother, and their sick mother. Though Mem tries her best, it's hard to do the chores and watch them every moment. Then the worst happens: One stormy night Mama and Lily disappear.


Prehistoric Iroquois

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Students discover how the prehistoric iroquois lived with artifact replicas and in-depth studies of the topology of New York State.

Content Area: 
Prehistoric Iroquois

Erie Canal

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A multitude of items to educate students about the building and history of the Erie Canal.

Kit includes:
1 Large Poster with dates 1825-2000
1 Spiral-bound book of laminated pictures of the Erie Canal
1 Spiral-bound Document-based Teacher Resource Erie Canal: New York's Gift to the Nation
1 Audio CD of Songs about the Erie Canal by George Ward
10 copies of the October 1982 Cobblestone: The History Magazine for Young People The Erie Canal
as well as the media listed in the boxes below:

Content Area: 
Erie Canal

Erie Canal

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Copies: 1

The building of the Erie Canal was the engineering marvel that unleashed the growth of the young nation that was the United States. Spearheaded by the vision of Gov. Dewitt Clinton, New York State built the waterway that opened the West to settlement and made New York City the center of finance and commerce. Opened in 1825, the canal proved so commercially viable that construction of an enlarged Erie Canal began just eleven years later. The success of the canal spawned the growth of cities, towns, businesses, and industries along its route in upstate New York.

Erie Canal

The Erie Canal

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Copies: 1

The Erie Canal comes to life in this classic children's book, illustrated by award winning artist Peter Spier, to the words of the familiar folk song, "Low Bridge, Everybody down." Enjoy reading and singing this song with your children. Teachers use this book to introduce curriculum subjects and to tell stories about what is happening in the paintings of canal town life. Every child, library and school should have this book.

The Erie Canal

Song of the Hermit Thrush: An Iroquois Legend

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Copies: 1

Magnificent illustrations and captivating texts tell the legends of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Americas, and Native America.

Song of the Hermit Thrush: An Iroquois Legend

The Iroquois

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Copies: 1

Their history, beliefs, way of life, and situation today.

The Iroquois

New York Invasive Species Information

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The New York Invasive Species Information Website - NYIS.INFO and its host, the New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse, [jointly referred to as NYIS.INFO] were founded in October 2008. NYIS.INFO is funded with New York State Environmental Protection Fund resources through a contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. NYIS.INFO was established in response to Recommendation 5 of the November 2005 report of the New York State Invasive Species Task Force to the Governor and Legislature.

The Dutch & New Amsterdam (1999)

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These engaging presentations view the traditions of early colonial life through contemporary insights into the men, women and children who carried their dreams of a new life to the New World. Follow along as colonial life experts tour the modern-day sites of these settlements to learn the history of the people who settled them and discover what daily life was really like.

Grade Level: 
The Dutch & New Amsterdam

Historic USGS Maps of New York

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The image map showing the State of NewYork includes a grid marked off in 15 minute increments. Each rectangle points to a web page that lists the available images for this quadrangle. For any particular date, there will most often be four images because the maps were scanned as four sections. Each image is typically 2 megabytes, so download times are likely to be slow. The size was chosen to maintain an acceptable level of detail.

Grey blocks indicate areas where no map is available.


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Contains USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) topographic maps, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) nautical and aeronautical charts and aerial photographs. Search by place name, zip code, map/chart name or number or latitude and longitude.

NYSGIS Clearinghouse

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Topographic maps accessible via map, quadrangle name, USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) code or DOT (Department of Transportation) code. Includes orthoimagery.

Northeast Regional Climate Center

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Established in 1983, the Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC) is located in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University. It serves the 12-state region that includes: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia. Major funding is provided through a contract with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
