Water Conservation

Charles Fishman: The Secret Life of Water

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Water runs our world. From creating soup and computer servers, to driving hurricanes and erosion, to maintaining the human body temperature at a precise 37 degrees Celsius. Author Charles Fishman says we take water completely for granted. He joins Steve Paikin to discuss his book, "The Big Thirst", and how we are leaving the "golden age" of thoughtlessly abundant, cheap and safe water behind.

“Corporations Need to Pay More Attention to Water: Charles Fishman

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The Big Thirst author Charles Fishman says smart corporations are paying particular attention to water risk and "remaking their operations to use less water". Fishman says that simply being "water smart" leads to a huge competitive advantage.

The Lavin Agency, “Corporations Need to Pay More Attention to Water: Charles Fishman,” YouTube (video), February 25, 2013. Accessed August 14, 2013.

The Future of Water

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From ancient civilizations to current day metropolitan cities, all societies have been shaped by the struggle to control water. The future of humankind will be shaped by the element of water and this struggle for control will establish the balance between peace and war, profoundly influencing relations between countries and continents. Climate change will also greatly affect water resources in the future. In the next decades huge water projects will radically change the face of the Earth.

“Charles Fishman: Why College Students Should Start Paying Attention to Water

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Water speaker and The Big Thirst author Charles Fishman outlines how almost everything that's important in the world relies on water, and water issues will quickly find a place atop the list of priorities for the young people of today.

The Lavin Agency, “Charles Fishman: Why College Students Should Start Paying Attention to Water,” YouTube (video), February 25, 2013. Accessed August 14, 2013.

Why Care about Water?

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National Geographic, “Why Care about Water?” National Geographic (video), n.d. Accessed August 14, 2013.

New York Bottled Water Ban

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CNN Video about tapwater.

CNN, “New York Bottled Water Ban,” Riverkeeper (video), September 2, 2009. Accessed August 14, 2013, http://www.riverkeeper.org/campaigns/tapwater/.

The Water Cycle: Learn About It & See It In Action

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The Water Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization unlocking human potential by providing sustainable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation.

The Water Cycle web page introduces the importance of clean, safe water to your students, and gives students an understanding of how the water cycle works.

Project Wet

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Educate. Empower. Act. The mission of Project WET is to reach children, parents, educators and communities of the world with water education. We invite you to join us in educating children about the most precious resource on the planet — water.

Surface Water: A Day in the Life of the Rio Grande (2008)

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The Rio Grande is one of our longest rivers, its Texas section forming the border between the U.S and Mexico. Competing human claims for it are viewed through the eyes of two young women: a whitewater rafting guide in upstream New Mexico and a teenager downstream near El Paso.

Grade Level: 
Surface Water: A Day in the Life of the Rio Grande

Underground Aquifer Water: Precision Farming (2008)

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Despite its wonders, Earth's water cycle does not spread water evenly around the planet. The Ogallala Aquifer’s huge underground reservoir of water gives the relatively dry Central Plains states such as Nebraska a large but limited irrigation source. But the aquifer's water is being used up faster than it is beng replenished.

Grade Level: 
Underground Aquifer Water: Precision Farming
