Electrical Circuitry

littleBits Gizmos & Gadgets kits

Steam kit icon

littleBits is an award-winning modular electronics platform that has put the power of electronics in the hands of everyone. Just snap them together—no soldering, programming, or wiring needed.
Please ensure that all components are included when returning kit.

Find Invention Guide here:

LightUp Edison Kit

Steam kit icon

Discover the world of electronics. Discover how things work, learn about electricity, understand 100+ STEM concepts, and develop problem solving skills.

Grade Level: 
Content Area: 

littleBits Challenge Kits

Steam kit icon

littleBits is an award-winning modular electronics platform that has put the power of electronics in the hands of everyone. Just snap them together—no soldering, programming, or wiring needed.

Please ensure that all components are included when returning kit.

Grade Level: 
Content Area: 
littleBits Challenge Kits