Drinking water

Charles Fishman: The Secret Life of Water

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Water runs our world. From creating soup and computer servers, to driving hurricanes and erosion, to maintaining the human body temperature at a precise 37 degrees Celsius. Author Charles Fishman says we take water completely for granted. He joins Steve Paikin to discuss his book, "The Big Thirst", and how we are leaving the "golden age" of thoughtlessly abundant, cheap and safe water behind.

The Future of Water

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From ancient civilizations to current day metropolitan cities, all societies have been shaped by the struggle to control water. The future of humankind will be shaped by the element of water and this struggle for control will establish the balance between peace and war, profoundly influencing relations between countries and continents. Climate change will also greatly affect water resources in the future. In the next decades huge water projects will radically change the face of the Earth.

“Charles Fishman: Why College Students Should Start Paying Attention to Water

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Water speaker and The Big Thirst author Charles Fishman outlines how almost everything that's important in the world relies on water, and water issues will quickly find a place atop the list of priorities for the young people of today.

The Lavin Agency, “Charles Fishman: Why College Students Should Start Paying Attention to Water,” YouTube (video), February 25, 2013. Accessed August 14, 2013.

Why Care about Water?

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National Geographic, “Why Care about Water?” National Geographic (video), n.d. Accessed August 14, 2013.

New York Bottled Water Ban

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CNN Video about tapwater.

CNN, “New York Bottled Water Ban,” Riverkeeper (video), September 2, 2009. Accessed August 14, 2013, http://www.riverkeeper.org/campaigns/tapwater/.

Water Is Life

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Article explores whether we will have enough water to sustain an ever-growing population on earth.

Barbara Kingsolver, “Water Is Life,” in National Geographic (April 2010), http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2010/04/water-is-life/kingsolver-text.

Salva's Story

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This is the story of Salva Dut, founder of Water for Sudan. Salva Dut is one of the main characters in the story, "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park.

FLOW: For Love of Water (2008)

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Irena Salina's award-winning documentary investigation into what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st century - The World Water Crisis. Salina builds a case against the growing privatization fo the world's dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel.

Grade Level: 
FLOW: For Love of Water

Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2010)

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Wars of the future will be fought over water, as they are today over oil, as the source of all life enters the global marketplace and political arena. Corporate giants, private investors, and corrupt governments vie for control of our dwindling fresh water supply, prompting protests, lawsuits, and revolutions from citizens fighting for the right to survive.

Grade Level: 
Blue Gold: World Water Wars

Poisoned Waters (2009)

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More than three decades after the Clean Water Act, two iconic waterways—the great coastal estuaries of Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay—are in perilous condition. With polluted runoff still flowing in from industry, agriculture and massive suburban development, scientists fear contamination to the food chain and drinking water for millions of people.

Grade Level: 
Poisoned Waters
