The Rosen Publishing Group

The Declaration of Independence and the Continental Congress

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What is the Declaration of Independence and why is it so important to the United States? Readers will learn about the events that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the effect it had on life at the time, and why it is one of our country's most cherished symbols of liberty. Primary source images provide a close look at this key document and its influence upon our nation. Interactive features including timelines, maps, biographies, and video enrich the learning experience.

The Declaration of Independence and the Continental Congress

Crispus Attucks and African American Patriots of the American Revolution

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Crispus Attucks was a former slave who was killed during the Boston Massacre in 1770. Today, he is known as a hero who died fighting for his country. This interactive eBook focuses on the important contributions made by African American men and women during the Revolution, and how they played a major role in the country's fight for independence. Interactive features including maps, quizzes, timelines, and actor-narrated audio will hold readers' interest and encourage further study of American heroes and patriots.

Crispus Attucks and African American Patriots of the American Revolution

The Boston Tea Party

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No Taxation Without Representation. This interactive eBook introduces students to the events that inspired the colonists to take action against British taxes, and the famous act of rebellion known as the Boston Tea Party. Carefully chosen primary source materials and interactive features bring students into the world of one of the most important events on the road to the American Revolution.

The Boston Tea Party

Betsy Ross and the Creation of the American Flag

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Betsy Ross was the seamstress of the first American flag. She was also a mother, a businesswoman, and a contemporary of George Washington. This easy-to-navigate interactive eBook features maps, timelines, biographies, and other elements, providing students with a fascinating look at the life and times of Ross and her role in creating one of our nation's most treasured and widely recognized symbols.

Betsy Ross and the Creation of the American Flag

Benjamin Franklin

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Writer, Inventor, and Diplomat
As an inventor, statesman, philosopher, and writer, Benjamin Franklin left his mark on American life in innumerable ways. Interactive features including timelines, video, biographies, and primary source documents paint a portrait of Franklin's life from his early days as a printer's apprentice to his final days as a diplomat in France during the Revolutionary War. Franklin was also one of the framers of the Declaration of Independence, and this eBook will help students understand what the document has meant to our country's history.

Benjamin Franklin

The Battles of Lexington and Concord

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The Revolutionary War is a watershed moment in America's struggle for freedom and liberty. In this richly illustrated interactive eBook, students will learn why the colonists felt that armed resistance was the only way to make themselves heard and trace the paths taken by the British and the Americans as they moved from Lexington to Concord. Actor-narrated audio, video, maps, timelines, and other interactive features will give students a full understanding of these historic battles.

The Battles of Lexington and Concord

Ancient Roman Technology

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To this day, the Romans are admired for their technological know-how and massive, well-designed public works projects. Learn how the Romans ensured a clean water supply for their cities, used volcanic ash to make long-lasting concrete, created the world's first professional army, and much more. Photographs of structures that are standing to this day help demonstrate the ingenuity of Roman engineers and the skill of Roman workers.

Ancient Roman Technology

Ancient Roman Government

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Our own system of government was deeply influenced by that of the Romans. This invaluable guide traces the development of Roman government from Rome's legendary kings through its renowned emperors. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the Roman Republic and roles played by patricians and plebeians during that period. A useful addition to both history and government collections.

Ancient Roman Government

Ancient Roman Geography

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The Romans really profited from geography. Rome had a pleasant climate, rich soil, natural defenses, and easy access to the Mediterranean. It was the perfect spot from which to conquer the known world! Learn how Rome used its geographical advantages to launch an empire filled with extensive road and aqueduct systems and towns designed in its own image.

Ancient Roman Geography

Ancient Roman Economy

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The success of the Roman economy is to a large degree beholden to its vast empire. While farming was the backbone of the Roman economy, trade played an important role, too. Learn about Roman mills, shops, construction, mining, currency, and taxation. Also explored are the roles of women and slaves in the Roman economy. Highly informative, with a wealth of primary source images.

Ancient Roman Economy
