The Rosen Publishing Group

The Colony of Maryland

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This volume introduces readers to Maryland, the colony that promised Catholics religious freedom and success. This engaging text takes readers back in time, as they learn about early life in the colony, the rise of industries, and the inevitable tension with the British. National and state social studies curricula are addressed in this well-researched and information-rich text. Primary sources, biographies, and vivid photographs bring to life famous figures and historical events, such as the burning of the Peggy Stewart and the Annapolis Convention.

The Colony of Maryland

The Colony of Georgia

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Georgia, Britain's thirteenth and last American colony, played an important part in America's early history. Founded as a debtors' colony and later staunchly loyal to the King, much of Georgia colony's efforts were spent protecting Britain's economic and political interests. This text, which supports national and state social studies curricula, covers the key historical figures and events in Georgia's colonial history.

The Colony of Georgia

The Colony of Delaware

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This volume invites readers to explore the colonial history of Delaware, the first state to join the United States. Readers will learn how Delaware switched hands between the Swedish and Dutch before falling under British rule. The text explores Delaware's rise to success as a coastal trading and manufacturing center, as well as the early rumblings of dissent with English Parliament. Students will gain an understanding of Delaware's role in the American Revolution and its long-awaited break from Pennsylvania to become its own colony-state, and eventually, its own state.

The Colony of Delaware

The Colony of Connecticut

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The colony of Connecticut was instrumental in the formation of the United States. Connecticut was the birthplace of some of the most important patriots of the American Revolution, including Nathan Hale, who was a famous patriot spy. As readers explore the history of Connecticut during its time as a British colony, they also learn about topics relevant to social studies curricula, such as the French and Indian War and the protests against British taxation.

The Colony of Connecticut

Thomas Paine and the Power of "Common Sense"

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British-born Thomas Paine came to Philadelphia in 1774. Inspired by the colonists' cries for liberty, Paine captured his own political philosophy and ideals for freedom in a revolutionary pamphlet called Common Sense. This richly illustrated and beautifully designed interactive eBook features video, timelines, maps, and biographies that enhance the story of how Paine helped set the stage for the writing of the Declaration of Independence and how he profoundly influenced the course of our nation's history and ideology.

Thomas Paine and the Power of

The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights

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The Law of the Land
The Constitution established the law of the land in 1789. A response to the inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution provided the framework for our government and judicial system. Throughout this interactive eBook, readers will explore the framers' goals and intentions in the drafting of the document and learn how and why our nation still lives by its principles. Maps, timelines, biographies, and other interactive elements enhance primary source documents and full-color images.

The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

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One If By Land, Two If By Sea
Paul Revere was a respected Boston citizen, an artisan, and a patriot. However, he is best known for his ride through Boston on horseback, warning the citizens to assemble in an effort to ward off the advancing British army. This richly illustrated and beautifully designed interactive eBook presents the story of Revere's life and his midnight ride in a fun and engaging way, with primary source documents, maps, video, timelines, and other interactive elements to enrich the learning experience.

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

The Marquis de Lafayette and Other International Champions of the American Revolution

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The Marquis de Lafayette was born to a noble family in France. He fell in love with the concept of liberty and with the American fight for democracy and freedom. This richly illustrated interactive eBook introduces students to the European adventurers, soldiers of fortune, and romantics of the time that flocked to the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Clear and concise text is supported by robust interactive features including timelines, maps, video, and primary source documents with analysis.

The Marquis de Lafayette and Other International Champions of the American Revolution

John Paul Jones and the Birth of the American Navy

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John Paul Jones is remembered as the first hero of the young American Navy. He raided the British coast during the American Revolution, capturing or sinking more than forty enemy ships in one of the greatest naval battles in our nation's military history. Readers of this interactive eBook will enjoy this thrilling account of the birth and growth of the American Navy, brought to life through engaging features such as maps, interactive timelines, video, quizzes, and primary source documents with analysis.

John Paul Jones and the Birth of the American Navy

George Washington

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America's History Maker. How did George Washington become our first president? This engrossing interactive eBook takes readers through the historical narrative of this amazing man's election. Students will learn about Washington's life from his childhood on a Virginia farm to being chosen as a representative at the First Continental Congress. Details of Washington's heroics in the Revolutionary War and his position as the country's first president, as well as illustrations and historical images, bring this portrait of a Founding Father to life.

George Washington
