
New York State (X) - Kit (X)

Prehistoric Iroquois

curriculum kit icon

Students discover how the prehistoric iroquois lived with artifact replicas and in-depth studies of the topology of New York State.

Content Area: 
Prehistoric Iroquois

Erie Canal

curriculum kit icon

A multitude of items to educate students about the building and history of the Erie Canal.

Kit includes:
1 Large Poster with dates 1825-2000
1 Spiral-bound book of laminated pictures of the Erie Canal
1 Spiral-bound Document-based Teacher Resource Erie Canal: New York's Gift to the Nation
1 Audio CD of Songs about the Erie Canal by George Ward
10 copies of the October 1982 Cobblestone: The History Magazine for Young People The Erie Canal
as well as the media listed in the boxes below:

Content Area: 
Erie Canal