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We're in Australia, a land of myth and magic, and every night at sundown eight dreambirds gather around the holy rock Uluru. To make the magic work to its fullest, they all wish to land in specific locations to fulfill specific conditions.
Unfortunately, they haven't coordinated their wishes among the flock, so it's up to the players to sort out the puzzle so that as many dreambirds as possible have their wish granted. Oh, and you better do it quickly because the sandtimer is running towards sundown.
In Uluru, players must solve these dreambird puzzles individually and simultaneously, then review their results together. Each unfulfilled wish results in a minus point for a player. Play proceeds over several sundowns, and the winner is the player who in the end has received the fewest minus points.
The game includes variable difficulty levels so that everyone from children to seasoned gamers can compete together and be challenged.

Play Information
Play Time: 
20 min.
Min. Player: 
Max. Players: 
Curricular Information