Ruby Wizardry

Ruby Wizardry
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The Ruby programming language is perfect for beginners: easy to learn, powerful, and fun to use! But wouldn't it be more fun if you were learning with the help of some wizards and dragons?

Ruby Wizardry is a playful, illustrated tale that will teach you how to program in Ruby by taking you on a fantastical journey. As you follow the adventures of young heroes Reuben and Scarlet, you'll learn real porgramming skills, like how to:

  • Use fundamental concepts like variables, symbols, arrays, and strings
  • Work with Ruby hashes to create a programmable breakfast menu
  • Control program flow with loops and conditionals to help the Royal Plumber
  • Test your wild and crazy ideas in IRB and save your programs as scripts
  • Create a class of mini-wizards, each with their own superpower!
  • Organize and reuse your code with methods and lists
  • Write your own amazing interactive stories using Ruby

Along the way, you'll meet colorful characters from around the kingdom, like the hacker Queen, the Off-White Knight, and Wherefore the minstrel. Ruby Wizardry will have you (or your little wizard) hooked on programming in no time.

Ruby is a free programming language that runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and even Linux! Covers Ruby 2.

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