6.4 - Comparative World Religions

From EngageNY

Major religions and belief systems developed in the Eastern Hemisphere. There were important similarities and differences between these belief systems.

Civilizations and complex societies developed belief systems and religions that have similar, as well as different, characteristics.

6.4b Belief systems and religions are based on sets of mutually held values.
  • Students will study the belief systems of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism by looking at where the belief system originated, when it originated, founder(s) if any, and the major tenets, practices, and sacred writings or holy texts for each. (Note: Although not within this historic period, students may also study Sikhism and other major belief systems at this point.)
6.4c Belief systems and religions often are used to unify groups of people, and may affect social order and gender roles.
  • Students will be able to identify similarities and differences across belief systems, including their effect on social order and gender roles.
  • Students will explore the influence of various belief systems on contemporary cultures and events.

Supporting Materials


Ancient Chinese Civilization

An illustrated introduction to the civilization of ancient China centered around several of its key myths. Covers China's religion, daily life, inventions, military, trade, and arts.


Ancient Egyptian Civilization

An illustrated introduction to the civilization of ancient Egypt centered around several of its key myths. Covers Egypt's religion, government, daily life, food, and trade.


Ancient Egyptian Government

Ancient Egypt was not a great empire at its outset, yet over time it became united under rulers called pharaohs. Each pharaoh was believed to be an incarnation of the god Horus. Readers will learn how this tie between Ancient Egypt's government and its religion helped forge an empire. They will...


Ancient Egyptian Technology

Egypt's pyramids are a testament to the technology used by this ancient civilization. Readers will learn about technologies, such as agricultural tools and irrigation systems, that helped Egypt thrive. Chapters explore how these innovations developed and the role technology played in...


Ancient Greek civilization

An illustrated introduction to the civilization of ancient Greece centered around several of its key myths. Covers Greece's religion, government, military, trade, and arts.


Ancient Greek Culture

Ancient Greek culture has had a truly profound impact on Western civilization. Readers will explore the rich civilization of ancient Greece and the things that made it so influential. Mythology, theater, sculpture, and philosophy are just a few of the subjects discussed in this volume. A great...


Ancient Greek Daily Life

Daily life in ancient Greece was very different from our own, but with some startling similarities. Readers will learn how the ancient Greeks filled a typical day. They will read about professional life and home life, including the roles of women and children. And they will recognize studying,...


Ancient Mesopotamian civilization

An illustrated introduction to the civilization of ancient Mesopotamia centered around several of its key myths. Covers Mesopotamia's religion, government, food, military, trade, and cities.


Ancient Roman Civilization

An illustrated introduction to the civilization of ancient Rome centered around several of its key myths. Covers Rome's religion, government, food, military, trade, and arts.


Ancient Roman Culture

Learn about the many facets of Roman culture with this great introduction covering religion, philosophy, sculpture, architecture, painting, literature, sports, and the theater. The Romans' habit of adopting ideas, customs, and techniques from cultures that they conquered is discussed....


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