K-PS2-1 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

From EngageNY

Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.

Supporting Materials


All About Motion & Balance

Understanding the world around us can be a real adventure! That's the message in this 11-part series for children in grades K-4. Kids travel along as our young host explores the world of physical science and how it can be seen, touched and understood in everyday life. Simple demonstrations will...

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EngageNY.org is developed and maintained by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to support the implementation of key aspects of the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda.

This is the official web site for current materials and resources related to the Regents Reform Agenda. The agenda includes the implementation of the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS), Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE), and Data-Driven Instruction (DDI). EngageNY.org is dedicated to providing educators across New York State with real-time, professional learning tools and resources to support educators in reaching the State’s vision for a college and career ready education for all students.