Common Core Aligned Games

Banana Puzzle
K D4 - Plants | PK D4 - Plants
A layered puzzle that shows the growth cycle of a banana
Bennis Colorful Flowers
PK D4 - Plants
Squirrel Benny and his friends want to have the prettiest flower garden in the whole squirrel wood, but first they have to plant the seeds. Watch out, though, as each squirrel can plant seeds only in planters with matching colors. Once watered, the little plants will grow and even start to flourish when the sun shines. Players stick their seed discs onto each squirrel's stem. If a player's squirrel reaches a matching-colored planter with a free space in it, she can slide her seed disc into the planter. Now it's all about nurturing and caring for the seeds. This is done with the symbol dice: watering can, rain cloud or sun – they all have different effects on the little plants' growth. The plants grow after being watered and they start to flower when the sun shines. Your goal in Bennis bunte Blumen is to be the first to reach one's tree fort after the work is done.
Cardline: Animals
3 Math 2 - Place Value and Problem Solving with... | 5 M2A - Biodiversity in Rainforests of the... | 1 D8 - Animals and Habitats | 2 D8 - Insects
Cardline: Animals is a card game played with approximately 100 cards. Both sides of each card depict an animal, its name, and its class (amphibian, mammal, etc.), while its average length, weight, and lifespan are printed on only one side of the card. For each game, players decide before playing whether they're comparing animal lengths, weights, or lifespans. At the start of the game, each player places a number of animal cards on the table in front of her with the characteristics hidden. One card is placed in the center of the table with its characteristics revealed. Players then take turns placing a card from their tableau in a row on the table; a player can place a card between any two other cards. After placing the card, the player reveals the characteristics on it. If the card was placed correctly – that is, with the particular characteristic in numerical order compared to all other cards on the table – the card stays in place; otherwise the card is removed from play and the player takes another card from the deck and adds it to her tableau. The first player to get rid of all her cards by placing them correctly wins. If multiple players go out in the same round, then everyone else is eliminated from play and each of those players are dealt one more card for another round of play. If only one player has no cards after a bonus round, she wins; otherwise play continues until a single player goes out.
Carrot Puzzle
K D4 - Plants | K D5 - Farms | PK D4 - Plants
A layered puzzle that goies through the growth cycle of a carrot plant.
Council of Verona
9 M1 - How Do Authors Develop Complex Characters?
The citizens of Verona have grown tired of the constant quarrel between the houses of Capulet and Montague. As ruler of the region, Prince Escalus has formed a council to help mediate the conflict and bring lasting peace to Verona. In Council of Verona, players take on the role of influential citizens of Verona and act to use their influence to either add characters to the council or cast them into exile. Through thoughtful hand management of their cards and clever placement of influence tokens, players gain victory points based upon the agendas of the characters at the end of the game. The player with the most victory points wins! We've all heard the story of Romeo and Juliet – now is your chance to steer the story and determine who will rule Verona once and for all!
Duck Puzzle
PK D3 - Animals
A layered puzzle that shows the life cycle of a duck.
Enchanted Forest
1 D9 - Fairy Tales
This is a "memory" type game, where players explore the forest looking under trees and finding items from different fairy tales. Players need to find an item and get to the castle and reveal under which tree the item is located. The catch: the objective is ever changing, so players need to remember everything they found under the trees.
Expedition Dino
1 D7 - The History of the Earth
Tim the dinosaur researcher has come upon another find in Expedition Dino, and the players need to help him recover the bones, with one player being crowned as the best bone finder. To set up the game, the dinosaur figure is surrounded by rock cubes, each of which bear bone symbols on some of their sides. On a turn, the player will use the hammer and chisel to chip away at the rock pile, hoping that the cube will land bone-side up. If so, another find! Be careful with your picking, though. If you knock over Tim, make the dinosaur fall or pick off extra cubes, your turn ends. Collect more bones than anyone else, and you win the game.
Frog Puzzle
PK D3 - Animals | 1 D8 - Animals and Habitats
A layered puzzle that shows the life cycle of a frog.
Happy Farm
K D5 - Farms | K.9 - Economic Needs and Wants
In Happy Farm, players are to collect wooden pieces of pigs, chickens, and cows into families of two. The players throw a die to move across the board and collect animals; when they reach one of the two farmhouses, they may exchange the animals with each other. The first player to get two cows gets the tractor and is the winner of the game.
Mission US: A Cheyenne Odyssey
7.1 - Native Americans | 3.3 - Geographic Influences on Settlements | 3.4 - Community/Cultural Histories | 2 D12 - Fighting For a Cause
In Mission 3: “A Cheyenne Odyssey,” players become Little Fox, a Northern Cheyenne boy whose life is changed by the encroachment of white settlers, railroads, and U.S. military expeditions. As buffalo diminish and the U.S. expands westward, players experience the Cheyenne's persistence through conflict and national transformation.
Mission US: Flight to Freedom
7.2 - Colonial Developments | 7 M3A - Slavery: The People Could Fly
In Mission 2: “Flight to Freedom,” players take on the role of Lucy, a 14-year-old slave in Kentucky. As they navigate her escape and journey to Ohio, they discover that life in the “free” North is dangerous and difficult. In 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act brings disaster. Will Lucy ever truly be free?
Mission US: For Crown or Colony?
7.3 - American Independence | 4 M3B - Perspectives on the American Revolution
“For Crown or Colony?” puts players in the shoes of Nat Wheeler, a printer’s apprentice in 1770 Boston. They encounter both Patriots and Loyalists, and when rising tensions result in the Boston Massacre, they must choose where their loyalties lie.
My Very First Game: Flower Fairy
PK D4 - Plants
A cooperative stacking game to recognize and match colors. It’s springtime. The buds of the water lilies have already opened. Three big flowers are also growing up on the little island, but have not yet blossomed. Rosalina, in her little bed, is waking up. First she yawns, then stretches and sets off flittering from one water lily leaf to the next. As she arrives at the little island, she swings her magic wand ... and the three large flowers soon start to bloom. The goal is to build up the flowers before Rosalina reaches the flower island! On your turn you roll the die and take a piece of the same color. The first piece of a color goes on the same color flower field. The next pieces go on top of the previously placed pieces. The back of the board is a variant for older children. In this variant you don't have to recognize colors, but shapes.
My Very First Game: LIttle Garden
PK D4 - Plants
Hurray, springtime has sprung again! Gardener Gabriel is overjoyed as he can finally get back to tending his garden. This year he wants to grow sweet strawberries, crunchy carrots and yellow tulips. Who wants to help him plant, water and weed the patches? Unfortunately Molly Mole is also busily burrowing her molehill. Who will be quicker: the children or Molly?
Mystery Garden
1 Unit 2 | 1 Unit 3 | K Unit 7
One player takes a card on which a picture is displayed which is also on the game board. The next player may ask one question which can only be answered with yes or no. In clockwise order the next player may ask a question and so on... Whether the answer to the question is yes or no, the playing-figure moves up one space in the direction of the castle. There are 15 spaces between the gate in front of the garden and the castle, so also 15 quest-ons that can be asked at maximum. It's forbidden to ask a question about the location of the picture on the game board. In stead of asking a question, a player may also say what picture is on the card when he thinks he knows it. If he is right, he earns the card which is one victory point at the end of the game. If no player knows what picture is on the card when the playing-figure reaches the castle, the player who took the card at the beginning earns it,and also a victory point.
Season Puzzle (Larger)
K D8 - Seasons and Weather
A layered puzzle exploring the changes in nature across the four seasons.
Something is Wrong!
K D1 - Nursery Rhymes and Fables
Something is Wrong! is an educational game based on the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". The game includes a story book of the tale, and a set of cards that correspond to pages in the book. Players match the cards to the book pages and try to find the differences, and win one a wooden dwarf when they are the first to recognize the mistakes. A player wins when they collect two dwarves, but you can lose them too so the game as not as easy as it might sound!