
Erie: The Canal That Made America (2017)

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The Erie Canal, one of the earliest transcendent tales of the American experience, became the nation's first great technical innovation and a gateway to prominence.
This documentary by the Syracuse PBS station, WCNY Connected, marks the bicentennial of the start of construction of the Erie Canal.

Erie: The Canal That Made America

Race to Freedom: The Underground Railroad

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From one of the most troubled and dramatic periods in American history comes a story of courage and true love that transcends the ages. Race to Freedom: The Underground Railroad chronicles the dangerous flight of four determined slaves from a cotton plantation in America to the "Promised Land" in Canada. It is the story of heroic fugitives, bold conductors, and a candle in the window; the story of those who risked their lives by taking charge of their destiny, all for the chance to be free.

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Race to Freedom: The Underground Railroad

Teaching the Underground Railroad Through Play

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Copies: 9

Slavery is a sensitive topic in American history. This book provides resources and lesson plans for a week-long unit covering slavery, the Underground Railroad, and the abolition movement built around an award-winning board game. In Freedom: The Underground Railroad, students will take on the role of abolitionists helping slaves reach freedom in Canada. Background knowledge, primary source documents, and detailed lesson plans on teaching slavery and using the game provide full support for instruction. Customized Freedom mini-game scenarios designed by Brian Mayer and Christopher Harris.

Teaching the Underground Railroad Through Play

Thomas Paine and the Power of "Common Sense"

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British-born Thomas Paine came to Philadelphia in 1774. Inspired by the colonists' cries for liberty, Paine captured his own political philosophy and ideals for freedom in a revolutionary pamphlet called Common Sense. This richly illustrated and beautifully designed interactive eBook features video, timelines, maps, and biographies that enhance the story of how Paine helped set the stage for the writing of the Declaration of Independence and how he profoundly influenced the course of our nation's history and ideology.

Thomas Paine and the Power of

Crispus Attucks and African American Patriots of the American Revolution

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Crispus Attucks was a former slave who was killed during the Boston Massacre in 1770. Today, he is known as a hero who died fighting for his country. This interactive eBook focuses on the important contributions made by African American men and women during the Revolution, and how they played a major role in the country's fight for independence. Interactive features including maps, quizzes, timelines, and actor-narrated audio will hold readers' interest and encourage further study of American heroes and patriots.

Crispus Attucks and African American Patriots of the American Revolution

When the Slave Esperanza Garcia Wrote a Letter

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Copies: 6

In 1770, the slave Esperança Garcia bravely penned a letter to the governor of Piauí state, in Brazil, describing how she and her children were being mistreated and requesting permission to return to the farm where the rest of her family was living. Before she wrote her letter, Esperança Garcia lived on a cotton farm run by Jesuit priests, where she learned to read and write — a rare opportunity for a woman, especially a slave.

When the Slave Esperanza Garcia Wrote a Letter

Mission US: Flight to Freedom

In Mission 2: “Flight to Freedom,” players take on the role of Lucy, a 14-year-old slave in Kentucky. As they navigate her escape and journey to Ohio, they discover that life in the “free” North is dangerous and difficult. In 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act brings disaster. Will Lucy ever truly be free?

Henry's Freedom Box

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Copies: 1

A stirring, dramatic story of a slave who mails himself to freedom by a Jane Addams Peace Award-winning author and a Coretta Scott King Award-winning artist.


Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom

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Copies: 1

In lyrical text, Carole Boston Weatherford describes Tubman's spiritual journey as she hears the voice of God guiding her North to freedom on her very first trip to escape the brutal practice of forced servitude. Tubman, courageous, compassionate and deeply religious, would take 19 subsequent trips back South, never being caught, but none as profound as this first. Harriet Tubman's bravery and relentless pursuit of freedom are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. This is a unique and moving protrait of one of the most inspiring figures of the Underground Railroad.


We Wear the Mask

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