Online Safety

Team Up Online

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Copies: 1

Team up Online provides students with practical information for online collaboration. Readers are encouraged to think critically as they conduct research, collaborate with fellow students and present their findings in new and different ways.

Team Up Online

Online Etiquette and Safety

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Copies: 1

Proper manners are as important online as they are offline. Combining text, images, drawings with hands on activities, this book helps students learn proper online etiquette and safety.

Online Etiquette and Safety

Teens Using Social Networks

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Teens love connecting with their friends on social networks, and this eBook aims to instruct them on how to be safe when sharing and interacting online. The simulations engage the reader with a realistic social networking experience including how and when to accept a friend request and virtual profile creation—all within the safe, controlled environment of the eBook. Links and resources are provided for users looking for safer social networking options designed specifically for teens.

Teens Using Social Networks

Teens Stopping Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying is a dangerous epidemic that more and more teens face today. Teens are always connected, and bullying can be anonymous and relentless. This eBook explains how the painful problem can plague so many teens and offers important guidance for understanding and stopping a cyberbully in their tracks. Simulations present users with constructive options for dealing with a cyberbully, such as collecting evidence against a bully and getting help in putting a stop to the attacks. Interactive sidebars discuss the real-world consequences of cyberbullying.

Teens Stopping Cyberbullying

Teens Protecting Their Privacy Online

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Teens can sometimes "overshare" on social networks and other Web sites without thinking about the risks they face by exposing themselves to an entire world of strangers online. Through interactive simulations on strong password and profile creation, this interactive eBook instructs teens to be mindful of what they do with their personal information, including how they share photos and set privacy settings on social networks. The eBook also discusses how to keep a computer safe from Phishing schemes, spyware, and other malicious attacks, such as those launched by hackers.

Teens Protecting Their Privacy Online

Teens Playing Games Online

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Online games are hugely popular with teens and adults alike. From single-player "casual games" on a cell phone or social network to massive multiplayer online games (or mmogs), there are a lot of ways a teen can spend his or her time online. However, it is important teens remember that, as with any online activity, there come risks. This interactive eBook teaches teens how to participate safely in the online gaming community, from keeping personal information private while gaming on social networks to avoiding bullies and "griefers" online.

Teens Playing Games Online

Teens Avoiding Predators Online

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Teens online need to be aware of the dangers of inadvertently connecting with an online predator. This interactive eBook explains the tactics a predator may use and the red flags and warning signs that an online friend is not a safe buddy. The interactive platform simulates situations such as messages and e-mails and teaches teens how to avoid predators from within the safe, controlled environment of the eBook. Sidebars highlight the finer points of the discussion, such as the role the government plays in protecting children online.

Teens Avoiding Predators Online

Using Social Networks

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Social networking is incredibly popular among all age groups today. However, some kids are signing up for social networks that are above their age range, such as Facebook. This interactive eBook engages the reader with a simulated social networking experience from how and when to accept friend requests and virtual profile creation all within the safe, controlled environment of the eBook. The book provides links and resources for social networks better suited to the readers.

Using Social Networks

Stopping Cyberbullying

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With our ever-increasing technological advances in the mobile and Internet spheres, our ability to reach out and contact one another has expanded as well. We're always connected. But because of this, there has come an up tick in cyberbullying among kids and teenagers. Today, bullying can be anonymous and relentless. This volume aims to explain this painful problem that plagues so many young users and offers important guidance for understanding and stopping a cyberbully in their tracks.

Stopping Cyberbullying

Protecting Your Privacy Online

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Kids are naturally trusting, and the nature of the Internet and social networks today is to share information about yourself at the drop of a hat. Through interactive simulations on strong password creation and profile creation, this interactive eBook will teach kids to be mindful of what they do with their personal information, including how they share their photos and set their privacy settings on social networks. The text focuses not only on data tied to the user's identity, but also on how to keep a computer safe from Phishing schemes, spyware, and malicious attacks.

Protecting Your Privacy Online
