Native Americans

Native America (2018)

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Native America challenges everything we thought we knew about the Americas before and since contact with Europe. It travels through 15,000 years to showcase massive cities, unique systems of science, art, and writing, and 100 million people connected by social networks and spiritual beliefs spanning two continents.

Grade Level: 
Native America

Native American civilizations

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Presents popular Native American myths and explores the historical, social, and cultural forces that gave rise to, shaped, and preserved them. Provides additional information on Native American religion, daily life, inventions, military, trade, and arts.

Native American civilizations

Living with the Senecas

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After Mary Jemison emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania in the mid-1700s with her family, they put up with many hardships. One day they were captured by Shawnee Indians and French soldiers. Mary was the only family member to survive and she was adopted by Seneca Indians. She lived longer than two husbands and birthed eight children. Even though she could have rejoined the white world chose to remain as a respectful and loyal member of her tribe.

Living with the Senecas

From Columbus to colonial America, 1492 to 1763

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Traces the history of America from Columbus' discovery in 1492 to the Colonial Period and discusses the leading citizens of the time periods, the Puritans, the Quakers, and the Frontier. Provides information about the political and economic growth, increased population, cultural and religious development, and the impending war with the British Empire. Describes the alliances between the Native Americans and the European governments and the increasing encroachment that led to Indian resistance. Includes an index, a glossary, illustrations, and maps.

From Columbus to colonial America, 1492 to 1763

The Colony of South Carolina

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Life in colonial South Carolina wasn't easy for many settlers. They faced diseases and pirate attacks. Others faced even harder times as they arrived in the colony as slaves. Readers get a detailed look at the early history of South Carolina through accessible text, presented alongside historical primary sources and colorful photographs. From the area's first Native American inhabitants to its role in some of the most important battles of the American Revolution, readers explore the fascinating history of South Carolina.

The Colony of South Carolina

The Colony of Pennsylvania

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This volume invites readers to step back in time to colonial Pennsylvania, in whose storied history we can find the origins of the United States. This comprehensive look at Pennsylvania's colonial era covers its Quaker origins, early industry, its unique social and religious climate, and the role it played in America's most important revolutionary events.

The Colony of Pennsylvania

The Colony of North Carolina

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The colonial period in North Carolina was a period of unrest, as borders changed, rebellions occurred, and uprisings happened years before the American Revolution began. Readers discover every twist and turn in North Carolina's colonial history as they learn about its first settlers, early conflicts, and role in America's journey to independence from Britain. Social studies curriculum topics, such as the First Continental Congress and American Revolution, are shown through the eyes of the people of North Carolina.

The Colony of North Carolina

The Colony of New York

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New York played an important part in America's fight for independence. New York City even served as the first capital of the United States! Readers explore the history of New York from its discovery by Europeans and its colonization by both the Dutch and British through its role in the American Revolution and the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Important social studies curriculum topics are presented in an accessible manner, alongside full-color photographs and historical primary sources chosen to give readers a clear picture of what life was like in New York during colonial times.

The Colony of New York

The Colony of New Hampshire

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New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the U.S. constitution--the deciding vote in accepting the laws our country still uses today. Though important, it's just one small part of this tiny state's colonial history. Readers will travel back in time through New Hampshire's early industry, its urban growth and development, and the key role it played in the American Revolutionary War. This text examines the French and Indian War, taxation dissent, and fight for independence as New Hampshire colonists may have experienced it.

The Colony of New Hampshire

The Colony of Maryland

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This volume introduces readers to Maryland, the colony that promised Catholics religious freedom and success. This engaging text takes readers back in time, as they learn about early life in the colony, the rise of industries, and the inevitable tension with the British. National and state social studies curricula are addressed in this well-researched and information-rich text. Primary sources, biographies, and vivid photographs bring to life famous figures and historical events, such as the burning of the Peggy Stewart and the Annapolis Convention.

The Colony of Maryland
