
Sir Cumference and the First Round Table

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What would you do if the neighboring kingdom were threatening war? Naturally, you'd call your strongest and bravest knights together to come up with a solution. But when your conference table causes more problems than the threat of your enemy, you need expert help. Enter Sir Cumference, his wife Lady Di of Ameter, and their son Radius. With the help of the carpenter, Geo of Metry, this sharp-minded team designs the perfect table conducive to discussing the perfect peace plan. Thanks to Sir Cumference and the First Round Table, even the most hesitant will be romancing math.

Sir Cumference and the First Round Table

Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland

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On a quest to earn his knighthood, Radius uses different geometry concepts to find and rescue a missing king.

Keywords: king, heir, geometry, math, quest, puzzles, knight

Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland

Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone

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King Arthur has issued a challenge. The first knight to find the sword, Edgecalibur, will be the next king. Sir Cumference, Lady Di of Ameter, and Radius help their friend, Vertex, find the sword.

Keywords: king, heir, geometry, math, quest, puzzles

Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone

Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter

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When young Per visits her uncle Sir Cumference, aunt Lady Di of Ameter, and her cousin Radius, they teach her how to play Inners and Edges. After Per finds a clue linking the game to the mysterious castle of the Countess Areana, she and Radius sail to the island of Immeter. There, they have to decipher cryptic clues while avoiding a sea serpent. To unlock the island's secret, Per has to figure out how to find the perimeter and area of a circle. Only then can she become Per of Immeter.

Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter

One Is a Drummer: A Book of Numbers

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This lively concept book shows that the world around us is filled with things to count. Three are the dim sum carts filled with yummy treats, eight are the candles on a birthday cake, and ten are the bamboo stalks growing in a garden. Many of the featured objects are Asian in origin, but all are universal in appeal. With brilliantly colored illustrations, an ear-pleasing text and an informative glossary, this truly multicultural book will make counting a fun part of every child's day!

One Is a Drummer: A Book of Numbers

Counting Coconuts

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Monkey has gathered a huge pile of tasty coconuts. Before he can enjoy them he must count them. He discovers counting in sets is the fastest way to complete the task.

Keywords: rainforest, animals, habitats, numbers

Counting Coconuts

Counting by 2s Poem

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This TumbleMath poem teaches students how to count by 2s using multiplication strategies, thereby identifying even numbers. This will help build a foundation for skip-counting with higher numbers.

Counting by 2s Poem

Hide and Seek

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Numbers 1 and 2 want to play a game of Hide and Seek! Help them count to 100!

Hide and Seek

Counting Envelopes

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Numbers 1 & 2 count and compare the number of envelopes they each have. Find out who has more!

Counting Envelopes

Lemonade In Winter

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A lemonade stand in winter? Yes, that's exactly what Pauline and John-John intend to have.

Grade Level: 
Lemonade In Winter
