
Thomas Paine and the Power of "Common Sense"

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British-born Thomas Paine came to Philadelphia in 1774. Inspired by the colonists' cries for liberty, Paine captured his own political philosophy and ideals for freedom in a revolutionary pamphlet called Common Sense. This richly illustrated and beautifully designed interactive eBook features video, timelines, maps, and biographies that enhance the story of how Paine helped set the stage for the writing of the Declaration of Independence and how he profoundly influenced the course of our nation's history and ideology.

Thomas Paine and the Power of

Ancient Greek Government

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Perhaps the most important legacy of the ancient Greeks is their invention of the form of government we hold most dear: Democracy. Ancient Greece's various cities and their forms of government, and the birth of government by the people, are presented in simple, straightforward language. An excellent resource on both ancient Greece and the concept of democracy.

Ancient Greek Government

Ancient Egyptian Government

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Ancient Egypt was not a great empire at its outset, yet over time it became united under rulers called pharaohs. Each pharaoh was believed to be an incarnation of the god Horus. Readers will learn how this tie between Ancient Egypt's government and its religion helped forge an empire. They will also learn about the basics of Ancient Egyptian laws and draw parallels between the ancient world and today.

Ancient Egyptian Government