Duck! Rabbit! -- From the award-winning author of Little Pea, Little Hoot, and Little Oink comes a clever take on the age-old optical illusion: is it a duck or a rabbit? Depends on how you look at it! Readers will find more than just Amy Krouse Rosenthal's signature humor here—there's also a subtle lesson for kids who don't know when to let go of an argument. A smart, simple story that will make readers of all ages eager to take a side, Duck! Rabbit! makes it easy to agree on one thing—reading it again!
When Braid Beard's pirate crew invites Jeremy Jacob to join their voyage, he jumps right on board. Buried treasure, sea chanteys, pirate talk--who wouldn't go along? Soon Jeremy Jacob knows all about being a pirate. He throws his food across the table and his manners to the wind. He hollers like thunder and laughs off bedtime. It's the heave-ho, blow-the-man-down, very best time of his life. Until he finds out what pirates don't do--no reading bedtime stories, no tucking kids in. . . . Maybe being a pirate isn't so great after all.
Miss Malarkey is back (Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10) and this time SHE is the one with the over-active imagination! Stuck at home, delirious and helplessly sick, Miss Malarkey can't help but worry about which substitute Principal Wiggins has called in. Is it that ex-drill sergeant, Mr. Doberman? Or that timid push-over, Mr. Lemonjello? Her imagination starts running wild, conjuring up all sorts of outrageous and chaotic scenarios.
When Giant wakes up with a big hurting head and a sore raspy throat, he finds the cure is a bowl of Boy Soup! Giant captures five boys and Kate, who all protest his plan. But Kate soon comes up with her own remedy and convinces the Giant that the soup should be made, not of boys, but by boys. Narrated by author!
Special thanks to grade 1 and 2 students at Pope John Paul II School of the Simcoe County Catholic School Board in Barrie, Ontario for recording the Audio Quiz!!
It’s Olivia’s birthday and she is getting EVERYTHING she wishes for! But every time she blows out the candles, her wish makes a BIG mess! Can birthday cake after birthday cake, after birthday cake, make things right again?…wait and see, as Olivia says!
TumbleBook is narrated by Robert Munsch!
TumbleBook narrated by Robert Munsch! Megan is told to feed the pigs, but not to open the gate. She does of course, and the results are hilarious as the pigs help themselves to coffee and the newspaper at the breakfast table, follow Megan to school, and ride home by way of the school bus