Harriet Tubman

Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom

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Copies: 1

In lyrical text, Carole Boston Weatherford describes Tubman's spiritual journey as she hears the voice of God guiding her North to freedom on her very first trip to escape the brutal practice of forced servitude. Tubman, courageous, compassionate and deeply religious, would take 19 subsequent trips back South, never being caught, but none as profound as this first. Harriet Tubman's bravery and relentless pursuit of freedom are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. This is a unique and moving protrait of one of the most inspiring figures of the Underground Railroad.


Harriet Tubman and Her Escape to Freedom (2008)

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Millions of enslaved African-American men, women and children lived in the United States less that 200 years ago. During that period of American history, many brave men and women attempted an escape to freedom. Harriet Tubman is perhaps the best known of these American heroes.

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Harriet Tubman and Her Escape to Freedom