Grandparents and Grandchildren

Un grand-papa en or (French)

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Jüll voue une admiration et une confiance sans bornes à son grand-papa, dont il voudrait tant avoir le courage. Lors d'une balade en montagne, la nuit tombe et le garçonnet apeuré éclate en sanglots. Rassurant, son grand-papa le porte jusqu'à la maison et lui confie que lui aussi avait peur lorsqu'il avait son âge. Devant le scepticisme de son petit-fils, qui a peine à croire que son héros a déjà été un enfant, il partage avec lui les souvenirs que renferme son album de photos et lui explique qu'avec le temps, les personnes âgées perdent des forces alors que les enfants en gagnent.

Un grand-papa en or (French)

A Chair for My Mother

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Copies: 6

Acclaimed author/illustrator Vera Williams tells of a young girl, who along with her waitress mother, saves coins in a big jar in hopes that they can someday buy a big, new, comfortable chair for their apartment, the kind of chair her mother deserves after being on her feet all day in the Blue Tile Diner. Into the jar also goes the money Grandma saves whenever she gets a bargain at the market.

A Chair for My Mother

A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever

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Copies: 1

When James and Eamon go to a week of Nature Camp and stay at Eamon's grandparents' house, it turns out that their free time spent staying inside, eating waffles, and playing video games is way more interesting than nature. But sometimes things work out best when they don't go exactly as planned.

This Caldecott Honor-winning book is a moving and hilarious celebration of young boys, childhood friendships, and the power of the imagination, where Marla Frazee captures the very essence of summer vacation and what it means to be a kid.


Hello, Goodbye Window

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Copies: 1

This is a love song devoted to that special relationship between grandparents and grandchild. The kitchen window at Nanna and Poppy's house is, for one little girl, a magic gateway. Everything important happens near it, through it, or beyond it. Told in her voice, her story is both a voyage of discovery and a celebration of the commonplace wonders that define childhood, expressed as a joyful fusion of text with evocative and exuberant illustrations.The world for this little girl will soon grow larger and more complex, but never more enchanting or deeply felt.
