
Sea Otter Heroes: The Predators That Saved an Ecosystem

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Copies: 6

In Elkhorn Slough, an inlet on the California coast, seagrass grows healthy and strong in the shallow water, providing homes for fish, preventing erosion, and trapping carbon from the environment.

This healthy seagrass baffled marine biologist Brent Hughes. Water in the slough is chock-full of nutrients from fertilizer runoff on nearby farms. Normally, nutrient-polluted water supports huge population of algae that block sunlight from reaching the seagrass, and the seagrass dies. Why has the slough's seagrass thriving?

Sea Otter Heroes: The Predators That Saved an Ecosystem


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Curriculum resource for teachers includes:

  • 20 Reproductions
  • Teachers guide to lessons and activities for fifth and sixth graders (book)
  • Teachers guide to lessons and activities for fifth and sixth graders (cd)

The teachers guide includes four lessons designed to teach a subject through works of art. The four subjects are:

Inside Biosphere 2

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Copies: 6

Biosphere 2 was built nearly thirty years ago to develop technologies for human living in space and on other worlds. Eight biospherians survived sealed inside the engineered ecosystem for two years. The results of the mission were mixed, but they definitely succeeded in constructing a research facility like none other in the world.

Inside Biosphere 2

Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation (Unabridged)

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Fire, water, air, earth - our most trusted food expert recounts the story of his culinary education.

Grade Level: 
Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation (Unabridged)

TED Talks: Jackie Savitz: Save the Oceans, Feed the World!

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What's a marine biologist doing talking about world hunger? Well, says Jackie Savitz, fixing the world's oceans might just help to feed the planet's billion hungriest people. In an eye-opening talk, Savitz tells us what's really going on in our global fisheries right now - it's not good - and offers smart suggestions of how we can help them heal, while making more food for all.

This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxMidAtlantic 2013, an independent event. TED editors featured it among their selections on their home page.

New York Invasive Species Information

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The New York Invasive Species Information Website - NYIS.INFO and its host, the New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse, [jointly referred to as NYIS.INFO] were founded in October 2008. NYIS.INFO is funded with New York State Environmental Protection Fund resources through a contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. NYIS.INFO was established in response to Recommendation 5 of the November 2005 report of the New York State Invasive Species Task Force to the Governor and Legislature.

Biological Energy—Here, Let Me Fix It!

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Text developed by the Utah State Office of Education and Utah educators about the effects that humans have on food webs.

The End of the Line: Where have all the fish gone? (2009)

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Humans have long regarded the world's oceans as vast and inexhaustible. Now, we have learned otherwise.

Grade Level: 
The End of the Line: Where have all the fish gone?

Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2010)

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Wars of the future will be fought over water, as they are today over oil, as the source of all life enters the global marketplace and political arena. Corporate giants, private investors, and corrupt governments vie for control of our dwindling fresh water supply, prompting protests, lawsuits, and revolutions from citizens fighting for the right to survive.

Grade Level: 
Blue Gold: World Water Wars

A Trail Through Leaves: The Journal as a Path to Place by Hannah Hinchman

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This google ebook can be read directly online.
