
When the Earth Shakes: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis

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Copies: 6

Headline-making natural disasters with devastating consequences for millions of people. But what do we actually know about these literally earth-shaking events?

New York Times bestselling author, explorer, journalist, and geologist Simon Winchester—who’s been shaken by earthquakes in New Zealand, skied through Greenland to help prove the theory of plate tectonics, and even charred the soles of his boots climbing a volcano—looks at the science, technology, and societal impact of these inter-connected natural phenomena.

When the Earth Shakes: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis

1906 San Francisco Earthquake Film Collection (2006)

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This collection consists of twenty-six films of San Francisco from before and after the Great Earthquake and Fire, 1897-1916. Seventeen of the films depict San Francisco and its environs before the 1906 disaster. Seven films describe the great earthquake and fire.

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1906 San Francisco Earthquake Film Collection


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General information about earthquakes and how they happen.

Earthquake Collection

Books about earthquakes with a majority of them focusing on the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906.

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1906 San Francisco Earthquake

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Copies: 1

A huge earthquake rocked the West Coast on April 18, 1906. Worst hit was the city of San Francisco, where buildings collapsed and fires raged for days. Thousands of people died, and many more were left homeless. The disaster was just one of a long series of earthquakes triggered by the San Andreas Fault. It taught scientists valuable lessons about preparing for earthquakes.


The San Francisco Earthquake

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Copies: 1

The San Francisco Earthquake is a thorough examination of the April 18, 1906, earthquake that is considered one of the first environmental disasters of the modern age. Striking California's Bay Area, the quake and its resulting fires destroyed a rapidly growing, prosperous city and left more than 500 people dead, thousands homeless, and $500 million worth of property damage.


The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

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Copies: 1

In 1906, San Francisco endured one of the most devastating earthquakes to strike the United States. Within a matter of seconds, the city was thrown into chaos as the earth split open and buildings toppled over. As the dust settled, people quickly realized that the nightmare was not over. Massive fires had developed throughout San Francisco. The Army, police, and firefighters used creative strategies to put out the raging fires that were ravaging the city. The heroics of these people were all that kept San Francisco from burning to the ground.


Predicting Earthquakes

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Copies: 1

Quake! Disaster in San Francisco, 1906

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Copies: 30

Buildings were weaving in and out. The street pitched like a stormy sea. Bricks were raining down all around him. The ground shook with such violence that Jacob thought the world had come to an end.

Quake! Disaster in San Francisco, 1906

Magic Tree House #24: Earthquake In the Early Morning (Unabridged)

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In the latest book from this popular time-travel series, Jack and Annie find themselves in San Francisco on the morning of the great earthquake, helping get some kids to safety. The many factual details about 1906 disasters make this a great addition to your social studies curriculum.

Grade Level: 
Magic Tree House #24: Earthquake In the Early Morning (Unabridged)
