Spotlight on Ancient Civilizations: Rome

Ancient Roman Technology

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To this day, the Romans are admired for their technological know-how and massive, well-designed public works projects. Learn how the Romans ensured a clean water supply for their cities, used volcanic ash to make long-lasting concrete, created the world's first professional army, and much more. Photographs of structures that are standing to this day help demonstrate the ingenuity of Roman engineers and the skill of Roman workers.

Ancient Roman Technology

Ancient Roman Government

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Our own system of government was deeply influenced by that of the Romans. This invaluable guide traces the development of Roman government from Rome's legendary kings through its renowned emperors. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the Roman Republic and roles played by patricians and plebeians during that period. A useful addition to both history and government collections.

Ancient Roman Government

Ancient Roman Geography

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The Romans really profited from geography. Rome had a pleasant climate, rich soil, natural defenses, and easy access to the Mediterranean. It was the perfect spot from which to conquer the known world! Learn how Rome used its geographical advantages to launch an empire filled with extensive road and aqueduct systems and towns designed in its own image.

Ancient Roman Geography

Ancient Roman Economy

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The success of the Roman economy is to a large degree beholden to its vast empire. While farming was the backbone of the Roman economy, trade played an important role, too. Learn about Roman mills, shops, construction, mining, currency, and taxation. Also explored are the roles of women and slaves in the Roman economy. Highly informative, with a wealth of primary source images.

Ancient Roman Economy

Ancient Roman Daily Life

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The family was central to life in ancient Rome. Explore the roles of women, children, slaves, and the all-powerful paterfamilias, or head of the family. Find out what that Romans enjoyed doing in their free time and learn what their food, clothing, and homes were like. Readers will be fascinated (even if some are slightly nauseated by the fact that the Romans considered peacock brains an exotic delicacy).

Ancient Roman Daily Life

Ancient Roman Culture

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Learn about the many facets of Roman culture with this great introduction covering religion, philosophy, sculpture, architecture, painting, literature, sports, and the theater. The Romans' habit of adopting ideas, customs, and techniques from cultures that they conquered is discussed. Photographs of Roman buildings, reliefs, statues, mosaics, and frescoes offer yet more insight into this influential culture.

Ancient Roman Culture