This program illustrates and discusses the correct procedures and behaviors if "caught" in a school fire. It also explains the stop, drop and roll technique if a person's clothes catch on fire. [Timely Topics]
The leading cause of fire-related deaths is smoke inhalation. The program illustrates the proper techniques for exiting a burning home and discusses/demonstrates safety rules to use before a fire or during a fire. The importance of working smoke detectors is emphasized. [Timely Topics Collection]
This program points out that the majority of fireworks accidents/injuries are caused by rockets, small firecrackers and sparklers in that order and that teen and children aged 14 and younger are the usual victims. It lists several safety precautions when watching fireworks and identifies the states where all fireworks are banned except for professional shows.
What to look for when selecting a tree, where and how to erect the tree in the home, how to care for the tree while it is in the building and when and how to dispose of the tree. [Timely Topics Collection]