Millbrook Press Lerner Ebooks - Mackin

Living with the Senecas

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After Mary Jemison emigrated from Ireland to Pennsylvania in the mid-1700s with her family, they put up with many hardships. One day they were captured by Shawnee Indians and French soldiers. Mary was the only family member to survive and she was adopted by Seneca Indians. She lived longer than two husbands and birthed eight children. Even though she could have rejoined the white world chose to remain as a respectful and loyal member of her tribe.

Living with the Senecas

The Case of the Vanishing Golden Frogs

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Despite being completely nonfiction, this title reads with all the suspense and mystery of any great novel. The story begins in 1996, when Karen Lips travels to a high mountain forest in Panama to study the golden frogs that live there. Upon discovering a large amount of dead frogs, Karen collects a few of them and later learns that a fungus is to blame for the frogs' death. Over the next decade, Project Golden Frog is launched and put into motion in order to collect and protect Panama's golden frogs until the fungus can be understood and controlled.

The Case of the Vanishing Golden Frogs