In celebration of Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday in February 2009, we present this story of the unusual friendship between two great American leaders.
In celebration of the 45th anniversary of the MARCH ON WASHINGTON, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s sister presents a personal, stirring account of the remarkable day Dr.
This beloved award-winning author; who has made us chuckle while capturing the essence of childhood and family life, discusses his art and inspiration.
Theodore Roosevelt had a small problem...his daughter Alice! Alice Lee Roosevelt was hungry to go places, meet people, do things. Father called it running riot.
In this reflective poetic tribute, the author remembers growing up when many of the great figures in African-American history gathered in her family home to talk and share ideas and even sing.
Those wacky scrambled states are having a talent show. Revel in the madcap adventures and silly antics of this star-studded cast, while learning interesting facts about the states and geography.
In 1861, the Civil War was a conflict that threatened to permanently divide the United States. Without President Abraham Lincoln's leadership, courage and determination to maintain the Union, our country may have ceased to exist.
Millions of enslaved African-American men, women and children lived in the United States less that 200 years ago. During that period of American history, many brave men and women attempted an escape to freedom. Harriet Tubman is perhaps the best known of these American heroes.
Vashti doesn't think she can draw, but her teacher encourages her to "just make a mark and see where it takes you." Vashti at first ventures one small and unremarkable dot, but is soon making big d