
Elementary (X) - English (X) - Book (X)

Maniac Magee

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Copies: 28

He came into this world named Jeffrey Lionel Magee, but when his parents died, his life changed and so did his name.

And Maniac Magee became a legend.

Even today kids talk about how fast he could run, about how he hit an inside-the-park "frog" homer, and about how no knot, no matter how snarled, would stay that way once he began to untie it.

Maniac Magee

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

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Copies: 29

Chizuko came to visit her friend Sadako in the hospital. She had a piece of gold paper that she had cut into a large square. "Watch!" she said, and she folded the paper over and over, and it turned into a beautiful crane.

"If a sick person folds one thousand paper cranes," Chizuko said, "the gods will grant her wish and make her well again." The girl handed the crane to Sadako. "Here's your first one."

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

Sarah, Plain and Tall

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Copies: 30

"Did Mama sing every day?" Caleb asks his sister Anna.
"Every-single-day," she answers. "Papa sang, too." Their mother died the day after Caleb was born. Their house on the prairie is quiet now, and Papa doesn't sing anymore.

Then Papa puts an ad in the paper, asking for a wife, and he receives a letter from on Sarah Elisabeth Wheaton, of Maine. Papa, Anna, and Caleb write back. Caleb asks if she sings.

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Quake! Disaster in San Francisco, 1906

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Copies: 30

Buildings were weaving in and out. The street pitched like a stormy sea. Bricks were raining down all around him. The ground shook with such violence that Jacob thought the world had come to an end.

Quake! Disaster in San Francisco, 1906

Across Five Aprils

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Copies: 30

The unforgettable story of young Jethro Creighton who comes of age during the turbulent years of the Civil War.

Newbery Medal Honor Book

We also have the Audiobook for this title.

Across Five Aprils

The Sign of the Beaver

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Copies: 30

Until the day his father returns to their cabin in the Maine wilderness, twelve-year-old Matt must try to survive on his own. Although Matt is brave, he's not prepared for an attack by swarming bees, and he's astonished when he's rescued by an Indian chief and his grandson, Attean.

The Sign of the Beaver


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Copies: 29

There's nothing eleven-year-old Marty Preston enjoys more than spending time up in the hills behind his home near Friendly, West Virginia.

But this time is different. This time Marty sees a young beagle on the road past the old Shiloh schoolhouse.

Marty feels sure the dog is being abused by his owner. When the dog runs away to Marty's house, his parents say he must bring him back. But it hurts Marty to return the runaway dot to his cruel master.

That's when Marty secretly decides he'll do anything to save the dog he names Shiloh.


Predicting Earthquakes

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Copies: 1

The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

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Copies: 1

In 1906, San Francisco endured one of the most devastating earthquakes to strike the United States. Within a matter of seconds, the city was thrown into chaos as the earth split open and buildings toppled over. As the dust settled, people quickly realized that the nightmare was not over. Massive fires had developed throughout San Francisco. The Army, police, and firefighters used creative strategies to put out the raging fires that were ravaging the city. The heroics of these people were all that kept San Francisco from burning to the ground.


The San Francisco Earthquake

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Copies: 1

The San Francisco Earthquake is a thorough examination of the April 18, 1906, earthquake that is considered one of the first environmental disasters of the modern age. Striking California's Bay Area, the quake and its resulting fires destroyed a rapidly growing, prosperous city and left more than 500 people dead, thousands homeless, and $500 million worth of property damage.


1906 San Francisco Earthquake

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Copies: 1

A huge earthquake rocked the West Coast on April 18, 1906. Worst hit was the city of San Francisco, where buildings collapsed and fires raged for days. Thousands of people died, and many more were left homeless. The disaster was just one of a long series of earthquakes triggered by the San Andreas Fault. It taught scientists valuable lessons about preparing for earthquakes.


The Library Card

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Copies: 4

When Mongoose finds a blue library card hidden among the candy he's shoplifted, his friend Weasel tosses the card away. But the card comes back.

Brenda, a television addict, must endure the Great TV Turn-Off. No more "Teen Toons." No more "Dude Feud." Then the blue card appears...

On a hot summer day, Sonseray wanders into a library knowing he'll find air-conditioning - and finds much more.

And April Mendez takes a ride in a bookmobile unlike any other.



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Copies: 4

Nine-year-old David has recently lost his mother to a freak accident, his salesman father is constantly on the road, and he is letting his anger out on his grandmother.

Sarcastic and bossy 13-year-old Primrose lives with her childlike, fortuneteller mother, and a framed picture is the only evidence of the father she never knew.

Despite their differences, David and Primrose forge a tight yet tumultuous friendship, eventually helping each other deal with what is missing in their lives.



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Copies: 4

Just like other kids, Zinkoff rides his bike, hopes for snow days, and wants to be like his dad when he grows up. But Zinkoff also raises his hand with all the wrong answers, trips over his own feet, and falls down with laughter over a word like "Jabip."

Other kids have their own word to describe him, but Zinkoff is too busy to hear it. He doesn't know he's not like everyone else. And one winter night, Zinkoff's differences show that any name can someday become "hero."


There's a Girl in My Hammerlock

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Copies: 4

Eric's smile was so dazzling. Maisie is willing to do anything to be near him--even join the school wrestling team. But she is astonished at the avalanche of hostile opinion she provokes, in and out of school. Is Eric worth it? Not if he keeps dating Liz ("Lizard") Lampley! The sign in the coach's office says, "It takes a little more to be a champion." Does Maisie have what it takes to stick it out--and win?

There's a Girl in My Hammerlock
