
Social Studies (X) - Elementary (X) - Book (X)

Across Five Aprils

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Copies: 30

The unforgettable story of young Jethro Creighton who comes of age during the turbulent years of the Civil War.

Newbery Medal Honor Book

We also have the Audiobook for this title.

Across Five Aprils

Predicting Earthquakes

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Copies: 1

The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

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Copies: 1

In 1906, San Francisco endured one of the most devastating earthquakes to strike the United States. Within a matter of seconds, the city was thrown into chaos as the earth split open and buildings toppled over. As the dust settled, people quickly realized that the nightmare was not over. Massive fires had developed throughout San Francisco. The Army, police, and firefighters used creative strategies to put out the raging fires that were ravaging the city. The heroics of these people were all that kept San Francisco from burning to the ground.


The San Francisco Earthquake

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Copies: 1

The San Francisco Earthquake is a thorough examination of the April 18, 1906, earthquake that is considered one of the first environmental disasters of the modern age. Striking California's Bay Area, the quake and its resulting fires destroyed a rapidly growing, prosperous city and left more than 500 people dead, thousands homeless, and $500 million worth of property damage.


1906 San Francisco Earthquake

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Copies: 1

A huge earthquake rocked the West Coast on April 18, 1906. Worst hit was the city of San Francisco, where buildings collapsed and fires raged for days. Thousands of people died, and many more were left homeless. The disaster was just one of a long series of earthquakes triggered by the San Andreas Fault. It taught scientists valuable lessons about preparing for earthquakes.


Erie Canal

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Copies: 1

The building of the Erie Canal was the engineering marvel that unleashed the growth of the young nation that was the United States. Spearheaded by the vision of Gov. Dewitt Clinton, New York State built the waterway that opened the West to settlement and made New York City the center of finance and commerce. Opened in 1825, the canal proved so commercially viable that construction of an enlarged Erie Canal began just eleven years later. The success of the canal spawned the growth of cities, towns, businesses, and industries along its route in upstate New York.

Erie Canal

The Erie Canal

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Copies: 1

The Erie Canal comes to life in this classic children's book, illustrated by award winning artist Peter Spier, to the words of the familiar folk song, "Low Bridge, Everybody down." Enjoy reading and singing this song with your children. Teachers use this book to introduce curriculum subjects and to tell stories about what is happening in the paintings of canal town life. Every child, library and school should have this book.

The Erie Canal

The Amazing Impossible Erie Canal

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Copies: 1

This is part of the Erie Canal Curriculum Kit. We have 2 copies of this book inside of this kit.

When De Witt Clinton, a young politician, first dreams of building a canal to connect the Hudson River with the Great Lakes, folks don't believe such a thing can be done. But eight long years after the first shovelful of earth is dug, Clinton realizes his vision at last. The longest uninterrupted canal in history has been built, and it is now possible to travel by water from the American prairie all the way to Europe!

The Amazing Impossible Erie Canal

Erie Canal: Canoeing America's Great Waterway

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Copies: 1

Takes young readers on a canoe trip along one of America's greatest waterways, from its terminus in Buffalo on Lake Erie to Albany, using full-color and historical photographs and text to explore the canal's technological and historical significance.

Erie Canal: Canoeing America's Great Waterway

A Journey Along the Erie Canal: Dividing Multidigit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers without Remainders

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Copies: 1

Describes the construction and history of the Erie Canal and uses the information to illustrate elementary division

A Journey Along the Erie Canal: Dividing Multidigit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers without Remainders

Iroquois Crafts

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Copies: 1

Before the intrusion of the White Man, the people of the five tribes or nations (later, six) which comprised the League of the Iroquois controlled much of the lands in the vicinity of Lake Ontario. Sometime in the sixteenth century, the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas founded a lasting confederation which later became an example for the federal Constitution and which persists to the present day. In 1722, the five were joined by the Tuscaroras from the south and became then known as the Six Nations.

Iroquois Crafts

The Iroquois

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Copies: 1

Describes the history, social structure, and customs of the People of the Longhouse.

The Iroquois

Earth Maker's Lodge: Native American Folklore, Activities, and Foods

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Copies: 1

Arranged by region, this illustrated collection includes stories, legends, poems, and traditional craft projects of Native American peoples from the Arctic to Mexico. The glossary will help students understand the various peoples and their languages. Winner of the 1995 Book Builder's of Boston Award for Excellence in Graphic Arts.

Earth Maker's Lodge: Native American Folklore, Activities, and Foods

Return of the Sun: Native American Tales from the Northeast Woodlands

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Copies: 1

Native American author and teacher Joseph Bruchac has collected 26 tales from Northeast tribes in this book. Some are gentle and humorous, like "Sunny Wundy's Skipping Stone", about a boy who outwits a stone giant. Others, like "The Origin of Medicine", are darker in tone.

Return of the Sun: Native American Tales from the Northeast Woodlands

The Iroquois

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Copies: 1

An informative study of the Iroquois nation covering their history, religion, customs, festivals, daily life, how they hunted, and the tools and weapons they used.

The Iroquois
