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The Tempest A marvelous and terrifying island occupied by spirits and monsters is the ideal setting for demonstrating how puppets can be extraordinarily convincing "actors". Caliban becomes an almost "human" monster and Prospero's magic brings the spirit Ariel to life as no stage performance ever could. Director: Stanislav Sokolov • Designer: Helena Livanova
A Midsummer Night's Dream The spirits of the haunted wood and the bewitching transformations of Titania, Oberon and the innocent tradesman Bottom, come to life through beautiful cel animation. Magically the implausible seem possible in this popular Shakespeare comedy enhanced by the artist's spectacular imagery. Director and Designer: Robert Saakiants
As You Like It This is a comic tale of young love with the Forest of Arden as its stage. The idyllic backgrounds and wistful moods of Rosalind and Celia are intricately recreated by the visually stunning technique of oil paint applied on animation cels rendering colorful, fluid images. Director: Alexei Karayev • Designer: Valentin Olshvang