The Pot that Juan Built

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In the style of the children’s rhyme “The House That Jack Built,” The Pot That Juan Built poetically tells the story of Mexico’s most famous potter, Juan Quezada.  Quezada has spent his life experimenting with different local materials to recreate the potterymaking process used by the Casas Grandes people, who inhabited the area around Quezada’s hometown of Mata Ortiz over six hundred years ago. Through patience, talent and luck, Quezada learned this process and now produces some of the most beautiful and unique pottery in Mexico.  Moreover, he has taught this method to many of the people of Mata Ortiz, transforming the small town of impoverished laborers into a thriving artists’ community.  The glowing animation and rich language of this video will draw students into the pottery-making culture of the people of Mata Ortiz and will illuminate the unique process and its results.  

•  Students will learn about the life and work of Juan Quezada.
•  Students will learn how Quezada and other artists from Mata Ortiz make pottery.
•  Students will compare and contrast the pottery and pottery-making process of the people from Mata Ortiz with the pottery of other people.
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