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"Wagons ho!" Climb aboard your prairie schooner, and get ready to experience America in the 1700s & 1800s! Through reenactments, journal entries and historic imagery, "Pioneer Life for Children" showcases the life and history of American pioneers. Journey with the pioneers on the Oregon Trail, learn about their daily life and the early settlements in the West, and discover why the pioneers' courage and determination are considered the backbone of American spirit.
The Pioneer Journey Westward "Go West, Young Man!" In the mid-1800s, thousands of American pioneers traveled over 2,000 miles on overland trails to claim land and make new communities in the U.S. frontier. Join our players in a Pioneer Life adventure game, and learn how pioneer families made their decision to move and how they prepared for the long journey west. Visit everyday life on a wagon train on the Oregon Trail as the pioneers cross hazardous rivers, encounter severe weather and see majestic landmarks. Join them for dinner around the campfire, and celebrate the strength and spirit of the American pioneer.