New Arts for Old: Medieval Music 1100-1480

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Explore the early domination of Gregorian chant, the flowering of love poetry in France, and much more. The liberal use of musical examples helps to convey the extrovert boldness and excitement of Medieval music. Hosted by Dr. Christopher Page, the founder and director of Gothic Voices, the first professional vocal ensemble to specialize in Medieval secular music.

Music Credits

PART ONE: Christopher Page explains the early domination of Gregorian chant and takes us from the flowering of love poetry in France to the development of polyphonic music in the 13th century. The musical examples are:

La Bassa Castiglya: Musica Reservata
Hildegard of Bingen: Columba aspexit • Gothic Voices/Page
Bernart de Ventadorn: Can Vei La Lauzeta Mover • Studeio der Fruhen Musik/Binkley
Anon: A L'Entrada Del Tens Clar • Mont-Joia
Anon: Les Cantigas de Santa Maria, Cantiga 2 • Clemencic Consort/Clemencic
Anon: Edi Beo Thu • The Early Music Consort of the Headlands School, Swindon
Anon: O Bilbil Sakat, Sakat • A L Lloyd
Perotin: Viderunt Omnes • Early Music Consort of London/Munrow
Anon: In Mari Miserie • Early Music Consort of London/Munrow
Anon: A Paris Soir et Matin • Musica Reservata
Machaut: Lasse! Comment Oublieray Je • Early Music Consort of London/Munrow
Machaut: Lay de la Fonteinne • Medieval Ensemble of London

PART TWO: From the Ars Nova, of France, we turn to Landini's Italy, and the England of John Dunstable. Liberal use of musical examples helps to convey the extrovert boldness and excitement of Medieval music. The musical examples are:

Landini: Giunta Vaga Bilta • The Early Music Consort/Munrow
Landini: Musica Son • Musica Reservata
Anon: In Pro • Musica Reservata
Landini: Questa Fanciull'amor • Musica Reservata
Anon: Doleo Super Te • Hilliard Ensemble
Power: Gloria • Hilliard Ensemble
Dunstable: O Rosa Bella • Consort of Musicke/Rooley
Dufay: Se La Face ay Pale • Musica Reservata
HIldegard of Bingen: Columba aspexit • Gothic Voices/Page

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