The Land of Forgotten Girls

The Land of Forgotten Girls
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Here are five things Soledad knows to be true:
*What happened to Amelia was her fault.
*Evil Vea will never be her mother. Ever.
*Manny is a good friend. Maybe even the best.
*She'll do anything to protect her little sister Ming.
* Louisiana is not the same as the Philippines. Not even close.

But there is much more that Sol doesn't know. Like how new friends can arrive in truly remarkable and unexpected ways. Like how you can dig deep down inside yourself and create a path that works for you, even when things get really bad. Or that little sisters can be protectors, too, and fierce. Like how stories can be more than stories sometimes--how they can even be lifelines when you really need them.

There is a lot to discover in the land of forgotten girls. Sol's ready. Are you?

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