Human Rights

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"Global Issues for Students" provides an in-depth analysis of current world problems. We have entered a new era of globalization - a level of interconnection unprecedented in world history. One of the most important results of this new wave of globalization is our heightened awareness of how the importance of human rights, the vast differences between rich and poor, the spread of disease and the use of Earth's resources affect us all. Programs in this series focus on modern global issues, their historical roots and the exploration of varied viewpoints and solutions. Using comprehensive news footage and commentary from some of the world's leading experts, students will gain a greater understanding of the most important issues affecting the world today.

Human Rights
Human rights are considered by many to be the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace. However, there is little international agreement on exactly what human rights are and even less on how to enforce them. This program examines the origin of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relates that despite this historic agreement, governments around the world not only discriminate against and often torture and imprison people without trial, but also do not respect their basic social and economic rights. Students will learn that while individual nations are ultimately responsible for protecting human rights, the United Nations and other organizations made up of ordinary individuals also play a strong role.

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Teacher Guide
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