Henri Matisse

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This program, presents a biography, plus images of Matisse's greatest works. Born in 1869 in France, Henri Matisse is regarded as one of the most influential figures in 20th-century art. He studied law and was working as a clerk when he became seriously ill and was confined to bed for nearly a year. He began drawing to fill the time and soon after, made art his career. Matisse's artistic career was long and diverse. An accomplished painter, sculptor and graphic designer, he experimented with many different styles of painting from Impressionism to Abstraction, but is perhaps best known for his involvement with the Fauvist movement early in his career. His bold and provocative use of color would continue until the end of his life. Unlike many artistic pioneers, Matisse was internationally renowned and popular during his lifetime. Loved by artists, critics and the public alike, a museum dedicated to Matisse was opened in 1952, 2 years before his death.

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Teacher Guide
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