Full Cicada Moon

Full Cicada Moon
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Change can start with just one brave person speaking up...

As the Apollo 11 mission prepares to go to the moon, Mimi Yoshiko Oliver gets ready to move to a new state. But in 1969, Vermont is mostly white, and for half-black, half-Japanese Mimi, her appearance is enough to make her feel alien. She struggles to fit in with her classmates, even as she defies stereotypes by entering science competitions and trying to take shop class instead of home ec. And though teachers and neighbors balk at her "unconventional" family and her refusal to conform, Mimi's dreams of becoming an astronaut never fade--no matter how many times she's told no.

Judged because of her skin color, and boxed-in because of her gender, Mimi is determined to break the mold. This lyrical novel-in-verse follows her journey to fit into the world--and to better it.

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