Drugs & Disease

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Everybody wants to be healthy. When you're healthy, you feel good - physically and emotionally! But good health doesn't just happen. "Health for Children" introduces young viewers to the importance of making good choices about health and wellness and gives practical advice about how to develop healthy habits and set personal health goals. Students model real-life scenarios and determine how to respond in healthy and positive ways at home, school and beyond! They will explore what happens when you call 911, how to resolve a dispute with a friend and the positive power of journaling. From the food groups and basic personal hygiene to self-esteem and surfing the Internet safely, this engaging series guides children to think about the choices they make everyday. To your health!

Drugs & Disease
There's no doubt about it - taking care of yourself is a huge responsibility. And even though your body can repair itself and fight germs and diseases, it needs your help! Everyone gets sick sometimes, but the more you choose to live a healthy lifestyle, the safer, happier and healthier you'll be. "Drugs & Disease" informs young viewers about germs like bacteria and viruses, and explains how to deal with the many common ailments they cause. Safety practices for taking and storing medicines are introduced, as are the harmful effects of alcohol and street drugs on the body. Students also get a glimpse of what goes on during a real visit to the doctor's office!

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