All About Sound

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Understanding the world around us can be a real adventure! That's the message in this 11-part series for children in grades K-4. Kids travel along as our young host explores the world of physical science and how it can be seen, touched and understood in everyday life. Simple demonstrations will help children comprehend basic concepts, including the properties of matter, forces & gravity, light, sound, flight, simple machines and more. Along the way, our host uses plenty of fun, real-life examples, as well as her natural love of learning, to make each programs its own fascinating adventure! Frequent reviews and hands-on activities are included in each show as well as information about an investigation data sheet, available online, that can be used for assessment purposes.

All About Sound
Sound is part of our lives every moment of the day, but where does sound come from and how is it created? "All About Sound" takes kids on a fun, exciting journey to answer these questions and learn the basics of sound. Real-life examples and colorful graphics help demonstrate how sound starts with a vibration and travels in waves from its source to our ears. Learn how sound waves bounce off things, creating an echo. A fun, hands-on activity uses puffed rice kernels to demonstrate how sound waves can vibrate the things around them. This program is based on the concepts outlined in the National Science Education Standards for Physical Science.

Curricular Information
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Teacher Guide
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