6.5 - Comparative Classical Civilizations

Ancient Roman Daily Life

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The family was central to life in ancient Rome. Explore the roles of women, children, slaves, and the all-powerful paterfamilias, or head of the family. Find out what that Romans enjoyed doing in their free time and learn what their food, clothing, and homes were like. Readers will be fascinated (even if some are slightly nauseated by the fact that the Romans considered peacock brains an exotic delicacy).

Ancient Roman Daily Life

Ancient Roman Culture

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Learn about the many facets of Roman culture with this great introduction covering religion, philosophy, sculpture, architecture, painting, literature, sports, and the theater. The Romans' habit of adopting ideas, customs, and techniques from cultures that they conquered is discussed. Photographs of Roman buildings, reliefs, statues, mosaics, and frescoes offer yet more insight into this influential culture.

Ancient Roman Culture

Ancient Greek Technology

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Ancient Greece was one of the most technologically-advanced civilizations of its time. Readers will be introduced to Greek innovations from the civilization's earliest days through the Bronze and Iron Ages. Photographs of artifacts will draw in readers and excite their imaginations.

Ancient Greek Technology

Ancient Greek Government

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Perhaps the most important legacy of the ancient Greeks is their invention of the form of government we hold most dear: Democracy. Ancient Greece's various cities and their forms of government, and the birth of government by the people, are presented in simple, straightforward language. An excellent resource on both ancient Greece and the concept of democracy.

Ancient Greek Government

Ancient Greek Geography

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Ancient Greeks lived in a landscape that received more than 300 days of sunshine each year and little rain. Readers will learn how Greeks used everything at their disposal, such as the sea, minerals in the earth, and fertile farmland, to flourish as a civilization. The concept of a society's relationship to its land and resources is covered in depth.

Ancient Greek Geography

Ancient Greek Economy

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Ancient Greece lacked a few resources in its native lands. However, Greeks learned to trade domestically and with foreign lands to gain the resources that it lacked. Readers will discover that Greece's trading was so influential that its pottery has been discovered in many different areas of the world. Exemplifying how an ancient civilization still holds great importance to this day.

Ancient Greek Economy

Ancient Greek Daily Life

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Daily life in ancient Greece was very different from our own, but with some startling similarities. Readers will learn how the ancient Greeks filled a typical day. They will read about professional life and home life, including the roles of women and children. And they will recognize studying, exercising, and spending time with family as aspects common to their own lives.

Ancient Greek Daily Life

Ancient Greek Culture

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Ancient Greek culture has had a truly profound impact on Western civilization. Readers will explore the rich civilization of ancient Greece and the things that made it so influential. Mythology, theater, sculpture, and philosophy are just a few of the subjects discussed in this volume. A great cultural survey of a great civilization.

Ancient Greek Culture

Ancient Egyptian Technology

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Egypt's pyramids are a testament to the technology used by this ancient civilization. Readers will learn about technologies, such as agricultural tools and irrigation systems, that helped Egypt thrive. Chapters explore how these innovations developed and the role technology played in establishing one of the most advanced cultures in the ancient world.

Ancient Egyptian Technology

Ancient Egyptian Government

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Ancient Egypt was not a great empire at its outset, yet over time it became united under rulers called pharaohs. Each pharaoh was believed to be an incarnation of the god Horus. Readers will learn how this tie between Ancient Egypt's government and its religion helped forge an empire. They will also learn about the basics of Ancient Egyptian laws and draw parallels between the ancient world and today.

Ancient Egyptian Government
