6 M4 - Insecticides: Costs vs. Benefits

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)

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Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet - and our civilization - in the MUST-SEE documentary of the year. This is a wake-up call that cuts through myths and misconceptions to deliver the message that global warming is a real and present danger.

Grade Level: 
An Inconvenient Truth

John Stossel - DDT

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John Stossel ad Richard Tren detail how the DDT ban, a great victory for environmentalism, has led to a multitude of deaths throughout the world.

Learning to Make Systematic Decisions

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This article provides some examples of how students have used the systematic decision making process in a science curriculum.

A New Home to DDT

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This article from the New York Times explains how DDT usage resurged in Africa to kill mosquitoes and reduce the instances of malaria.

Biological Energy—Here, Let Me Fix It!

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Text developed by the Utah State Office of Education and Utah educators about the effects that humans have on food webs.

How DDT Harmed Hawks and Eagles

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Article from Helium.com about how DDT harmed raptors, or birds of prey.

Malaria Carrying Mosquito Crash Lands Due to His Insecticide

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Article about Paul Muller, the chemist who discovered DDT.

Rachel Carson: Environmentalist and Writer

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Article about Rachel Carson, a writer and an environmentalist.

DDT—Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane Video

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Science can help us to take action to improve our health and the environment. Banning DDT in 1972 is considered one of the most important steps in protecting wildlife and people from the effects of pesticides and has set the course for future research into the effects of the chemicals we use.
