2 D1 - Fairy Tales and Tall Tales

Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper, and Other Stories

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This is the classic fairy tale. Cinderella, the evil step sisters, the fairy god mother, the prince, the glass slippers…It’s all here, a classic tale for all times. What’s surprising to the reader returning to the book after many years are the number of true moral lessons contained in the simple tale -- for instance Cinderella and the prince first meet when Cinderella nurses a lame bluebird in the forest; this same bluebird later becomes the fairy godmother. There’s a reason this book had endured through the ages.

Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper, and Other Stories

The Adventures of Pinocchio

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The puppetmaster Geppetto has obtained a new puppet who not only can dance and turn somersaults, but also talk and misbehave—his name is Pinocchio and if the truth be told, he longs to be a real boy. This book recounts the adventures of Pinocchio -- the puppet who wants to be a little boy and whose nose grew longer whenever he told a lie.

Keywords: classic, puppet, lies

The Adventures of Pinocchio

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

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A poor Persian boy finds his life transformed when he acquires a magical lamp and
with the help of the kind genie who lives in the lamp Aladdin fights an evil magician and wins the hand of a beautiful princess.

Keywords: classic, tale, magic

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

The Paper Crane

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Business returns to a once prosperous restaurant when a mysterious stranger pays for his meal with a magical paper crane that comes alive and dances.

The Paper Crane

Jack and the Beanstalk

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The TumbleBook™ version of the classic tale of Jack, his magic beans, the Ogre, the bags of gold, and the hen that laid the golden eggs.

Jack and the Beanstalk


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This striking addition to Chronicle's successful bilingual book series introduces children to the universally loved stories Rumpelstiltskin. Retold in both Spanish and English, classic fairy tales provide young readers with a fun way to learn to recognize words in both languages. Easy-to-follow text coupled with gorgeous illustrations make it a wonderful addition to the home or classroom library.


Isabel and the Hungry Coyote

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A little girl on her way to Grandma's house. A basket of goodies. A lurking scoundrel. Sound familiar? Yes, but this time, the Chihuahua Desert of the American southwest is the setting for a spiced-up retelling of the classic “Little Red Riding Hood” story. Spunky Isabel outwits the cunning coyote with self-reliance and daring. Fiery tamales and chili sauce are the villain's downfall.

Isabel and the Hungry Coyote

The Uglified Ducky

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Narrated by the author: Willy Claflin!!

You may think you know the story of the Ugly Duckling, but think again. In the capable hands of his alter ego Maynard Moose, storyteller Willy Claflin takes us on a wacky journey where this Uglified Ducky, a hapless young moose, "blunders away" from his home, is mistaken for a baby duck, and endures endless humiliation as he tries to learn to waddle, quack, swim, and fly. Eventually, he finds his true "fambly," who helps him discover his own beauty.

The Uglified Ducky

Twelve Dancing Princesses

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In this adaptation of Grimm's classic fairy tale, twelve princesses wake up every morning to find their shoes are worn out and they are totally exhausted! A handsome suitor discovers that the princesses are enchanted, and that each night, in their sleep, they travel to a magical world to dance at a ball. Will this handsome suitor be able to break the spell and rescue the princesses?

Twelve Dancing Princesses
